Hinesburg Family Practice

This 5,500 SF primary care facility was designed to replace UVMMC’s existing 2,500 SF facility also located in Hinesburg. The intent was to provide a state of the art facility that was expandable to about 9,000 SF in the future. This led the design to a modular set-up, so that both perimeter offices and exam rooms were designed to increments of one modular room size. All offices were provided with utility connections, so they have the flexibility to become future exam rooms. The project delivery was a modified design-build contract.
The overall building layout in relation to the site provides visual and physical access to the main entry and waiting area. It also is oriented for future expansion to the east and to a minor extent to the west. All exterior walls that were planned for expansion are non-bearing. The program layout was designed with exam rooms and provider offices along the exterior walls to allow for daylight into these spaces, and support functions in the center core. However, daylight was also provided into the center core staff work area via skylights. Glare and solar gain is controlled via deep overhangs and both interior and exterior screen and shade systems.