Timberlane Dental - Essex
Timberlane Dental Group focuses on collaborative care, being able to provide all types of care for all ages. To do this they need a clinic that can accommodate different disciplines and provide spaces for patient education and staff collaboration.
This clinic was designed to replace an aging facility that could no longer accommodate the growing practice. The project provides 9,000 sf of new space, split between two floors. The clinic space is located on the ground floor of a newly constructed building, providing 17 state of the art treatment rooms. Staff spaces are located on the lower level. The program layout was designed with treatment rooms along the exterior walls to allow for daylight into these spaces, and support functions in the center core. Each discipline (orthodontic, pediatric, and adult dentistry) has a dedicated zone with the appropriate specialized equipment and spaces. The core supporting functions can be easily accessed and used by all disciplines. S+P worked in conjunction with BSD Interior Design.